
All the way to Brisbane

When I was seventeen I spent a year in Brisbane, Australia. It was an amazing year and I made heap of good friends there. Back then there was no such thing as the internet or mobile phones so it was not very easy to stay in touch. Thanks to facebook I have found a good number of old friends and because of that I learned an old friend of mine had a baby boy earlier this year and that she was cloth diapering him! I could not resist to ask if I could make him a few nappies and mom M was very happy to have them made. (in return I will get one of the once she is using for her son, an all-in-one I think, made by a local lady in Brisbane. Thanks M!)

Anyway, I made these two fitted nappies for little B and they are now on the way to Oz. They are made in the testprinted ”Iris visa” bamboo interlock, one in each colour. They have a microfleece inner and a pocket opening to put in an insert. I made two trifold bamboo interlock inserts to go with the nappies. In total there will be 9 layers of bamboo and one layer of cotton in the diaper. I think that would be enough to last a night, don´t you think?!

I hope these nappies will fit and be loved!  They are Fattycakes of course, size M. They may be a bit large to start with but I figured it was better to make them a size bigger so they will last longer.

Två blöjor som är på väg till Brisbane, Australien. Därav inlägget på engelska. Nästa inlägg blir på svenska igen!

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